Logo Comenius Project MY->OURS

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MY->OURS is the acronym of the title of the project: "Migration and Youth towards an Open-Minded, Unprejudiced and Receptive School/Society." The general aim of the project is the development of the capacity to analyse and understand the mechanisms behind migration in general and its impact on local, regional and school life in the different partnership countries. Emphasis will be on the period from the Second World War on. We will look into how European young people have been and are being affected by it. We will make our pupils study in a critical way how legislation, institutions, organizations, the media and literature deal with migration. We will compare data from questionnaires and interviews collected by our students in the different European countries, and, based on our findings, and a variety of creative and competitive integration activities involving the participating schools' student body, the students will produce a guide for young European citizens about migration and integration.

Comenius school project 2012-2014

Here are the schools involved in the project. The leader is Norway, which is responsible for coordinating the entire project

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Official note:

This site is managed by students from IT Zanon Udine supported by Mrs Anna Rita Colella .
This project has been funded with support from the European Comission. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use wich may be made of the information contained there in.